Tagarchief: error

Fuck it!

Sinds vorige week m’n pc om onverklaarbare redenen opeens een leeg blauw scherm gaf hij weigerde nog verbinding te maken ondanks het feit dat m’n modem knipperde dat er niets aan de hand was diverse knoppen en ikoontjes opeens in cyberspace bleken opgegaan allerlei opties verdwenen waren ik de foutmelding kreeg ‘Exception EOle SysError In Module skype exe at 000958BD De RPC-server is niet beschikbaar’ en pas na de zoveelste sprekende computer uiteindelijk een echt mens aan de telefoon had die me weer van het kastje naar de muur terugstuurde ik inmiddels McÉffie wel kon schieten m’n pc wel kon schieten iedereen wel kon schieten m’n nieuwe laptop probeerde te doorgronden waarbij er hagelslag in het toetsenbord terechtkwam de internetverbinding er af en toe uitlag omdat ik geen router of netwerk heb en het ergens anders vandaan moest halen de koudwaterkraan doordraaide m’n mediabox het niet meer deed ik niet meer bij mn gewone mail kon dus gmail me in godsnaam dit de langste interpunctieloze zin ooit wordt kwam ik na de zoveelste zoekpoging op deze site met de wervende naam bleepingcomputerdotcom terecht en las dit stukje een feest van herkenning waarop de tranen van het lachen over m’n wangen liepen en dat komt zelden voor god wat was het heerlijk om tussen alles wat het niet meer deed daar dan toch nog de lol van in te zien dit moest ik even kwijt o ja tips zijn natuurlijk welkom maar dan liefst duidelijk en bruikbaar bezoekaanhuis is ook mogelijk.



I had previously been removing unwanted/unused applications from my computer. I was using Perfect Uninstaller. I didn’t remove anything serious. I’m not that dumb. However, I did remove things like McAfee VirusScan (as I’m using Avast now), something called Web TV, or something, and ViewPoint something. I’m sorry, I don’t remember exactly what these last two were. But I did a search and they seemed to be nothing important, but in fact, bundled items from other apps.

Anyway, I logged on to my computer the other day to find the appearance had changed:

-it looks like an old Windows 98 style
-the task bar (on the right) only shows a couple processes, no network connections, etc.
-when opening explorer, I can’t drag and drop. I can copy a file but then do not have the option to paste it.
-when opening some applications, they do not appear in the task bar.
-and various other oddities

Also, it takes more time to load my profile and then my background will appear, but it takes much longer than before for the desktop (with all my shortcuts, etc) to appear.

Skype is set to load at start up, but I get the error message, "Exception EOleSysError in module Skype.exe at 000958BD. The RPC server is unavailable."

I tried to do a system restore. However, I received a dialog box, "System restore is unable to protect your computer. Please restart your computer and run system restore again." I tried restarting, however, this did not change anything.

I then tried to load Adaware. The splash screen appeared, but the program never loaded completely. I then tried to open Malwarebytes, however, received the following error: "Run-time error ‘372’: Failed to laod control ‘vbalGrid’ from vbalgrid6.ocx. Your version of vbalgrid6.ocx may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of control that was provided with your application." I had only installed this a couple days earlier.

I then opened SuperSpyware and Avast and ran a scan with both, but nothing was found.

I’ve also tried starting in Safe mode. However, when I use the F8 method, i’m not able to move the highlighted system using the arrow keys. And there are only two options: "Windows (default)" and "Windows (default)".

I fear I might have removed something I shouldn’t have or that in doing so I’ve removed other essential things.

I appreciate any help on this.

Feb 15 2009, 10:29 PM

Try running the System File Checker.

How to Use SFC.EXE to Repair System Files


Feb 16 2009, 12:46 PM


I’ve done a check with the System File Checker and there was no result. So, I assume that all is well with that.

More on this strange problem, I’m unable to connect to the internet. In fact, when I go to Control Panel>Network Connections, there is nothing there. I’ve recently started with a new ISP, however, the connection is fine from my laptop.

I did notice when using Perfect Uninstaller and looking at the Startup Manager there was an executable: winlogons.exe at C:Program FilesMicrosoft Sessionswinlogons.exe. I did some research and this appears to be very bad. I’ve removed this from the start up and rebooted in Normal mode. However, the same problems exist. I’ve tried running Malwarebytes again but got the same run-time error as before. I even tried re-installing it. Same error. I then tried the same in safe mode, with the same result.

I’m not sure if the winlogons.exe is related to the changes/problems with the system or if it’s a separate problem.

Again, any help is greatly appreciated.


Feb 16 2009, 01:15 PM

Hi Speedracer4kq,
You might want to post a thread in "Am I infected. What do I do?"
Hope this helps,

Feb 16 2009, 02:20 PM

Hello, do not worry at this point. Right click on your task-bar, click properties, select the second tab (called start menu). You should have two choices of the start menu (Classic and XP).

– Select Classic or XP and see if the Windows appearance changed?

– then go to the same tab, and click advanced setting (next to the selection of XP and Classic) and you get many options. Some of the option will allow you to drag and drop, paste and so on.

See if this works for you?

One more question, why did you not remove the files via normal uninstallers, or via start/control panel/software? Any reason for that? Just wondering?

(I also agree with some post above, that you could be infected, then you need to go to a different forum. But since you run Avast etc, chances are that your uninstaller deleted too much).

Feb 16 2009, 02:52 PM

@ pat,

I did try to change the appearance simply using the Task bar properties, however, it didn’t actually change it. But I think there is something much more serious happening given all the strange problems, such as nothing in the Network Connections. It’s like half my OS is missing.

Regarding why did I use a third party app to remove things: it is supposed to make a cleaner uninstall by removing left of registry keys and files.

I think I will post in the "infected" part. However, I’m concerned about not being able to run Malwarebytes, as it seems this is first step in any malware removals.

I’m dreading a possible reinstall/repair.


Feb 16 2009, 03:24 PM

Yes please post in the forum where they deal with sypware, malware. You might need to produce your hijackt this log. Cheers.

Feb 16 2009, 06:11 PM

Right click on the C drive in Explorer and go Properties > Tools > Check Now (under Error Checking). Check both boxes then click "Start Now". A message will pop up saying that Error Checking will run after you restart the computer. Restart the computer and Error Checking will run automatically after the restart. After it’s finished it will restart into Windows automatically.

Feb 17 2009, 10:50 AM

I did the Check Now procedure. On start up, it said, "Can’t open volume for direct access".

Feb 17 2009, 04:54 PM

I would try installing/reinstalling SP3.

Feb 18 2009, 06:39 AM

Good advice – I was in the middle of trying that. I’ll let you know how I get on.

Feb 19 2009, 05:33 AM

I tried to install SP3, however, I got an error referring to the Cryptographic service. I checked the Cryptographic service and it appeared to not be started. I tried starting it in the Admin ToolsServices but I got an "Error 1068: Dependency service or group failed to start." So, I checked the RPC service, but couldn’t get this going either.